A writer, award-winning graphic designer and the head of the MA course of Art at the Colchester Institute.
Creativity & Ideas
Design Principles
I start with the laugh and work backwards from there.
Bill Bailey
English actor, comedian, musician and singer. Known for creative ways of incorporating music into his comedy.
Creativity & Ideas
Design Thinking
If designers and researchers do not sometimes fail, it is a sign that they are not trying hard enough—they are not thinking the great creative thoughts that will provide breakthroughs in how we do things. It is possible to avoid failure, to always be safe. But that is also the route to a dull, uninteresting life.
Donald A. Norman
An American researcher, professor, and author (The Design of Everyday Things). As Apple’s User Experience Architect (90's), he became the first person to have UX in his job title.
Creativity & Ideas
Flops & Failures
It is better to be good than to be original.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Architect and the last director of the Bauhaus, a seminal school in modern architecture.