If you have no intuitive sense of design, then call yourself an “information architect” and only use Helvetica. David Carson An American graphic designer and surfer, best known for his innovative magazine design (Ray Gun), and use of experimental typography. Design & Arts Creativity & Ideas Talent Click to rate Loading... Spread the wisdom ;) Surprise me!
Rules can be broken – but never ignored. David Jury A writer, award-winning graphic designer and the head of the MA course of Art at the Colchester Institute. Creativity & Ideas Design Principles
The greatness of art is to find not what is common, but what is unique. Isaac Bashevis Singer A Polish-American writer in Yiddish, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1978. Creativity & Ideas
I start with the laugh and work backwards from there. Bill Bailey English actor, comedian, musician and singer. Known for creative ways of incorporating music into his comedy. Creativity & Ideas Design Thinking
It is better to be good than to be original. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Architect and the last director of the Bauhaus, a seminal school in modern architecture. Creativity & Ideas Living Spaces