Design happens in context. And research is simply understanding that context.
Erika Hall
Design consultant & co-founder of the famous Mule Design Studio. Erika is also known as an insightful speaker & writer on the topics of UX research & design.
Wanna know more? Follow the source!
The text above was taken and slightly edited from the following sources.
Real innovation comes from tension and pushback; learn from people who don’t easily navigate your systems. Average people, if they actually exist, don’t challenge your thinking.
Hillary Carey
The owner of Winnow Research and a PhD student in Carnegie Mellon’s Transition Design program. Hillary is also a researcher who loves in-context interviews and rich synthesis.
UX Research
UX Testing
The important part of listening to project stakeholders is to hear what isn’t being said. Often, what people say and what they mean can be two completely different things.
Tom Greever
An experienced product and design leader with a successful track record leading product and UX design teams from strategy to delivery. Author of the book Articulating Design Decisions.
UX Research
Awareness of your own limits will allow you to be as effective as possible within them.
Erika Hall
Design consultant & co-founder of the famous Mule Design Studio. Erika is also known as an insightful speaker & writer on the topics of UX research & design.
Critical Thinking
Design Thinking
UX Research
UX research is like kitchen work: the better you prep, the faster and cleaner the work goes.
Erika Hall
Design consultant & co-founder of the famous Mule Design Studio. Erika is also known as an insightful speaker & writer on the topics of UX research & design.