It doesn’t matter how many times I have to click, as long as each click is a mindless, unambiguous choice.
Steve Krug
A usability consultant (Apple, Netscape, AOL, Lexus) and a highly sought-after speaker on usability design.
Information Architecture
UX Design
Web Design
At no point should your task require the user to hold more than seven items in their working memory at any moment.
George Armitage Miller
An American psychologist who was one of the founders of cognitive psychology, and more broadly, of cognitive science.
Laws of UX
Product Design
UX Design
Public kiosks run an unfortunate risk of being a disease vector, so your first pass should try for noncontact inputs like voice, proximity switches, or non-contact gestural inputs.
Alan Cooper
An American software designer and programmer. Widely recognized as the “Father of Visual Basic".
Tips & Advice
UX Design
UX Elements
When you’re designing Web pages, it’s probably a good idea to assume that everything is visual noise until proven otherwise.
Steve Krug
A usability consultant (Apple, Netscape, AOL, Lexus) and a highly sought-after speaker on usability design.