To settle for second best is a violation of the rules of simplicity, and it plants the seeds for disappointment, extra work, and more meetings. Most disturbing, it puts you in the worst possible business position: having to defend an idea you never believed in.
Ken Segall
Author and advertising creative director. Specializing in technology marketing, Segall was Steve Jobs' agency creative director for 12 years working for NeXT and Apple, and also for Dell, Intel and IBM.
Hearing a succession of mediocre singers does not add up to a single outstanding performance.
Sherwin Rosen
American labor economist who had ties with many American universities and academic institutions including the University of Chicago, the University of Rochester, Stanford University and its Hoover Institution.
Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.
Elon Musk
A business magnate and investor. The founder, CEO, and chief engineer of SpaceX, Tesla and other companies.
Good Design
When it comes to design, beauty boils down to two things: fulfilling a function well and bringing joy. In other words, beauty in design is less about aesthetic beauty and more about how well it helps us perform certain tasks.
Alan Moore
A British designer, artist, and entrepreneur. Advised companies such as Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, and Coca Cola.