A door may afford pulling or pushing, depending on which way it opens. When a person can see in advance whether to pull or push the door to open it, that’s a good user interface.
Jakob Nielsen
A former Sun Microsystems Engineer and "The world's leading expert on Web usability" (www.useit.com).
I start with the laugh and work backwards from there.
Bill Bailey
English actor, comedian, musician and singer. Known for creative ways of incorporating music into his comedy.
Creativity & Ideas
Design Thinking
One of the eternal conundrums of interaction and interface design is how to address the needs of both beginning users and expert users with a single, coherent interface.
Alan Cooper
An American software designer and programmer. Widely recognized as the “Father of Visual Basic".
Design Thinking
UI Design
All it takes to turn potential hindsight into happy foresight is keeping your eyes open and asking the right questions. Failing isn’t the only way to learn.
Erika Hall
Design consultant & co-founder of the famous Mule Design Studio. Erika is also known as an insightful speaker & writer on the topics of UX research & design.
Critical Thinking
Design Thinking
UX Research
In general, design failures are caused by lack of thought, not by malicious intent.
Donald A. Norman
An American researcher, professor, and author (The Design of Everyday Things). As Apple’s User Experience Architect (90's), he became the first person to have UX in his job title.