Like all forms of design, visual design is about problem solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion.
Bob Baxley
A design executive who lives and works in Silicon Valley. The head of product design at Pinterest where he builds, leads, and manages a multifaceted design team.
There is always an easy solution to every problem—neat, plausible and wrong.
Henry L. Mencken
An American journalist, essayist, satirist, cultural critic, and scholar of American English. He commented widely on the social scene, literature, music, prominent politicians, and contemporary movements.
Problem Solving
What users say they want is rarely the solution that would best solve their problems. User requests are symptoms of unmet goals and needs, not the solutions.
Doug Collins
UX designer, writer speaker, mentor within the UX community and the founder and leader of The NUXers, a Denver-based group aimed at giving new UX professionals the skills they need to be successful in the business world.
Design Thinking
Problem Solving
Product Design
Sometimes you need to push past the first obvious idea to uncover the best possible solution to your problem. Your first idea might not be your worst option, but it might not be your best one either.
Audrey Bryson
A user experience researcher and designer with 10 years of experience working in higher education and communications industries.
Problem Solving
Most of the time we don’t choose the best option — we choose the first reasonable option.
Steve Krug
A usability consultant (Apple, Netscape, AOL, Lexus) and a highly sought-after speaker on usability design.