Design happens in context. And research is simply understanding that context.
Erika Hall
Design consultant & co-founder of the famous Mule Design Studio. Erika is also known as an insightful speaker & writer on the topics of UX research & design.
UX Research
Creativity arises from our ability to see things from many different angles.
Keri Smith
Canadian conceptual artist and author of several bestselling books including How to be an Explorer of the World - The Portable Life/Art Museum.
If you’re a baker, making bread, you’re a baker. If you make the best bread in the world, you’re not an artist, but if you bake the bread in the gallery, you’re an artist. So the context makes the difference.
Marina Abramović
A Serbian conceptual and performance artist, philanthropist, writer, and film-maker.
Market Positioning
Consumers have a hunger for a clear message about the determinants of success and failure in business, and they need stories that offer a sense of understanding, however illusory.
Daniel Kahneman
An Israeli-American psychologist and economist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioural economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.