Infinite scrolling should never be employed for interfaces in which users need to get to the end of the list quickly, or need to return to a particular list item after navigating elsewhere.
Alan Cooper
An American software designer and programmer. Widely recognized as the “Father of Visual Basic".
Wanna know more? Follow the source!
The text above was taken and slightly edited from the following sources.
At no point should your task require the user to hold more than seven items in their working memory at any moment.
George Armitage Miller
An American psychologist who was one of the founders of cognitive psychology, and more broadly, of cognitive science.
Laws of UX
Product Design
UX Design
The trained observer can often spot difficulties and solutions that even the person experiencing them does not consciously recognize. It is because most people are unaware of their true needs.
Donald A. Norman
An American researcher, professor, and author (The Design of Everyday Things). As Apple’s User Experience Architect (90's), he became the first person to have UX in his job title.
UX Design
UX Research
A brilliant solution to the wrong problem can be worse than no solution at all: solve the correct problem.
Donald A. Norman
An American researcher, professor, and author (The Design of Everyday Things). As Apple’s User Experience Architect (90's), he became the first person to have UX in his job title.
Design Thinking
Problem Solving
UX Design
We know screen real estate is limited, and attempting to cram too much information on a page often does more harm than good.
Jakob Nielsen
A former Sun Microsystems Engineer and "The world's leading expert on Web usability" (