Invest in others before you ask them to invest in you. It is harder to make a withdrawal if you haven’t been making regular deposits.

Meridith Elliott Powel
Meridith Elliott Powel

One of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair. An award winning author, keynote speaker and business strategist.

Networking is a lifestyle rather than a task. It’s not a single event. It’s something professionals should do every day as part of their normal operating procedures.

“One of the very first things I do every day is network. I have a cup of coffee first, read my relentless vision and then I decide who I am going to network with.”
— Meridith Elliott Powel

Connecting with no agenda, no self-interest; just reaching out to invest in another person—that is networking.

Wanna know more? Follow the source!

The text above was taken and slightly edited from the following sources.

Thrive: Strategies to Turn Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage

Thrive: Strategies to Turn Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage (Book) by Meridith Elliott Powel

  • Other
  • Project Management
  • Collaboration
  • Networking
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