Having money may be nice, but using money gets things done.
Rob Giampietro
A designer and writer. His recent work has touched on a range of topics, including the relationship of movement and interaction, visual identity and branding in the arts.
The technologies we use to try to “get on top of everything” always fail us, in the end, because they increase the size of the “everything” of which we’re trying to get on top.
Oliver Burkeman
British journalist and writer, the author of Four Thousand Weeks, the book about making the most of our radically finite lives.
Time Management
83% of business leaders say that it’s important to step away from their company and look at things objectively in order to make more productive decisions.
Meridith Elliott Powel
One of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair. An award winning author, keynote speaker and business strategist.
When marketers go out with a budget, and that budget is meant to communicate the wonderful experience customers will have, things fall apart if all the other factors such as production, logistics or finance aren’t lined up to deliver the promised experience.
Bryan Eisenberg
Internationally recognized authority and pioneer in online marketing.
Being Organised
Instead of spending money on cosmetic changes like rebranding the logo, the colours, or packaging, spend money on true innovation, improving product, service and quality. These will lead to longer lasting lifts in revenue.
Dr. Augustine Fou
A Chief Digital Strategist at Marketing Science Consulting Group.