Whether a carpenter makes a table, or a goldsmith a piece of jewelry, whether the peasant grows his corn or the painter paints a picture, in all types of creative work the worker and his object become one, man unites himself with the world in the process of creation.

Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm

German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

Man unites himself with the world in the process of creation.

This, however, holds true only for productive work, for work in which I plan, produce, see the result of my work. In the modern work process of a clerk, the worker on the endless belt, little is left of this uniting quality of work. The worker becomes an appendix to the machine or to the bureaucratic organization. He has ceased to be he—hence no union takes place beyond that of conformity.

Wanna know more? Follow the source!

The text above was taken and slightly edited from the following sources.

The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving (Book) by Erich Fromm

  • Design & Arts
  • Other
  • Art & Creativity
  • Creativity
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