An American art director and graphic designer, best known for his corporate logo designs (ABC, Enron, IBM, NeXT).
Design Principles
Space is a human need, and the experience of space is typically an exhilarating one.
Kenneth J. Hiebert
A professor of graphic design at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
That a user should not be kept waiting unnecessarily is an obvious and humane design principle. It is also humane not to hurry a user; the more general principle is: Users should set the pace of an interaction.
Jef Raskin
An American human–computer interface expert best known for conceiving and starting the Macintosh project at Apple in the late 1970s.
Design Principles
UX Design
People do judge books by their covers, internet sites by their first pages, and buildings by their lobbies.
William Lidwell
The Director of Design at Stuff Creators Design in Houston and author of the best-selling design book, Universal Principles of Design.